Expertly designed to give your horse day-long summer turnout protection, the Horze Defender fly rug is UV-protective and features a superb zebra print design which offers head to tail protection from annoying and biting insects. Zebra stripes are a highly effective deterrent against flies as the contrasting stripes have been shown to confuse and deter insects, helping to reduce bites and irritation.Made from a fully breathable fabric to ensure your horse stays cool and comfortable, it is also quick to dry, should your horse get caught in a shower. With a Elastan insert at the base of the neck for added stretch and comfort, the Defender fly rug also features a smooth lining along the extra-long neck and shoulder areas, to help prevent friction and ensure your horse is comfortable and protected, all summer long.
- 200 gram pustende mesh-stoff med sebratrykk.
- Sebrastriper er svært effektive mot bitende insekter. Kontraststripene har vist seg å forvirre og avskrekke fluer, noe som gjør at insektsbitt og irritasjon reduseres.
- Beskyttelse mot insekter og UV-stråler.
- Ekstra lang hals med elastan-innlegg for ekstra elastisitet.
- Borrelåsfester.
- Fôring på skuldre og nakke for å unngå gnag.
- Justerbar, doble frontspenner og bogsplitter for komfort og passform.
- Mageplate med tre justerbare stropper.
- Haleflapp og halesnor
Teknisk beskrivelse:
100% polyester
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